Teil 6 (letzter Teil): "Neulich in der Wissenschaft..."


Ackermann, K.; Martino, M.; Heymann, R.; Moyna, N. M. et al.:
Stressor-induced alteration of cytokine production in multiple sclerosis patients and controls.
Psychosomatic Medicine, 1998 (Jul-Aug), Vol 60 (4), 484-491.
Aronson, Ch. J.:
Quality of life among persons with multiple sclerosis and their caregivers.
Neurology, 1997 (Jan), Vol 48 (1), 74-80.
Bauer-Wittmund, T.:
Lebensgeschichte und subjektive Krankheitstheorien.
Verlag für Akademische Schriften (VAS), 1996.
Benedict, A.:
Attributions of causes for chronic illness among aged persons.
Activities, Adaptation & Aging, 1995, Vol 19 (4), 49-59.
Crigger, N. J.:
Testing an uncertainty model for women with multipe sclerosis.
Advances in Nursing Science, 1996 (Mar), Vol 18 (3), 37-47.
Dupont, S.:
Sexual function and ways of coping in patients with multiple sclerosis and their partners.
Sexual and Marital Therapy 1996 (Nov), Vol 11 (4), 359-372.
Faller, H.:
Subjektive Krankheitstheorien: Determinanten oder Epiphänomene der Krankheitsverarbeitung?
Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin, 1993, Vol 39, 356-374.
Filipp, S.-H. & Klauer, T.:
Subjektive Krankheitstheorien. Vorstellungen zum Wesen und Verlauf von Krankheit.
Psychoscope, 1994, Vol 15 (4), 8-11.
Ford, H.; Trigwell, P. & Johnson, M.:
The nature of fatigue in multiple sclerosis.
Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 1998 (Jul), Vol 45 (1), 33-38.
Gulick, E. E. :
Coping among spouses or significant others of persons with multiple sclerosis.
Nursing Research, 1995 (Jul-Aug), Vol 44 (4), 220-225.
Hulter, B. M. & Lundberg, P. O.:
Sexual function in women with multiple sclerosis.
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 1995 (Jul), Vol 59 (1), 83-86.
Noy, S.; Achiron, A.; Gabbay, U.; Barak, Y. et al.:
A new approach to affective symptoms in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis.
Comprehensive Psychiatry, 1995, Vol 36 (5), 390-395.
Nyenhuis, D. L.; Rao, St. M.; Zajecka, J. M.; Luchetta, T. et al.:
Mood disturbance versus other symptoms of depression in multiple sclerosis.
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 1995 (May), Vol 1 (3), 291-296.
Paul, R. H.: Blanco, C. R.;Hames, K. A. & Beatty, W. W.:
Autobiographical memory in multiple sclerosis.
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 1997 (May), Vol 3(3), 246-251.
Patten, S. B. & Metz, L. M.:
Depression in multiple sclerosis.
Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 1997 (Nov-Dec), Vol 66 (6), 286-292.
Rumpf, H.-J. & Wessel, K.:
Copingmuster & Adaptivität bei multipler Sklerose.
Der Nervenarzt, 1995, 66 (8), 624-629.
Schubert, Ch.:
Psychoneuroimmunologische Forschung im Kontext biochemischer Erkenntnisfortschritte und ihre paradigmatischen Grenzen.
Zeitschrift für psychosomatische Medizin, 1998, Vol 44, 1-20.
Shnek, Z. M.; Foley, F. W.; LaRocca, N. G., Smith, C. R. et al.:
Psychological predictors of depression in multiple sclerosis.
Journal of Neurologic Rehabilitation, 1995, Vol 9 (1), 15-23.
Sommer, N.; Zipp, F.; Rösener, M.; Dichgans, J. & Martin, R.:
Der Einfluß genetischer Faktoren auf die MS.
Der Nervenarzt, 1996, Vol 67 (6), 457-464.
Stenager, E.; Stenager, E. N.; Knudsen, L. & Jensen, K.:
A use of non-medical / alternative treatment in MS: A 5-year follow-up study.
Acta Neurologica Belgica, 1995, Vol 95 (1), 18-22.
Stenager E.; Stenager E. N. & Jensen, K.:
Sexual function in multiple sclerosis. A five-year follow-up study.
Italian Journal of Neurological Sciences, 1996 (Feb), Vol 17 (1), 67-69.
Stenager, E. N.; Koch-Henriksen, N. & Stenager, E.:
Risk factors for suicide in multiple sclerosis.
Psychotherapy & Psychosomatics, 1996 (Mar-Apr), Vol 65 (2), 67-69.
Stewart, D. E. :
Women's health and psychosomatic medicine.
Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 1996, Vol 40 (3), 221-226.
Stiufbergen, A. K.:
Health promoting behaviors and quality of life among individuals with multiple sclerosis.
Scholarly Inquiry for Nursing Practice, 1995 (Spr), Vol 9 (1), 31-50.
Tienari, P.:
Somatic illness and family interaction.
Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 1993, Vol 47 (4), 273-279.
Waksman, B. H.:
Can psychoneuroimmunology help explain disease? The example of multiple sclerosis.
Advances, 1994 (Fal), Vol 10 (4), 16-20.

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